Canvas Printing

Canvas Prints

Customise a canvas print of your favourite image or photograph. Vibrant colours, quality materials and professional workmanship means your custom canvas print will be attractive for many years to come. Your canvas will be printed, stretched and stapled with stainless steel staples with stainless steel wire hanger and you will receive it ready to hang.

Memory Lane is proud to use Ilford Galerie Prestige Canvas Natural which is a 380gsm (weight) cotton/polyester blend canvas with a matt surface and natural tint. With no added optical brightening agents in the coating layer, this canvas offers stunning colour reproduction thanks to a wide colour gamut that enhances rich colours and provides deep, dense black.

Featuring a 1:1 weave structure for high quality graphic art applications, the structure of the fabric enhances the decorative effect making it perfect for framed art without edge cracking. The material can also be sewn for use as a banner.

Stretching Your Canvas

Have an existing canvas print or painting that you want to have stretched? Memory Lane provides experienced professional stretching services. We take your existing canvas and stretch it over the highest quality Radiata pine stretcher bar using stainless steel staples with stainless steel hanger to transform your rolled canvas into a ready-to-hang artwork.